Company logo clothing is an Advertising Diamond in the RoughAugust 31, 2012 Business owners are always looking for ways to promote their product or service and most turn to traditional methods of advertising like t.v., radio, print, mail or the internet. Ultimately, business owners must weigh the overall cost against the size of the audience and the potential conversion rate of that audience. Take a look at the following illustration showing averages of several different advertising methods. [caption id="attachment_508" align="alignnone" width="897"] Comparing company logo clothing to other forms of advertising[/caption] While no method is perfect in all areas, Company Logo Clothing shows the highest level of demographic targeting control at the lowest cost. Another benefit is the length of time the advertisement is in existence. Averaging years for certain items like embroidered polo shirts and custom luggage, this is a major distinction versus other advertising that consists of a 30 or 60 seconds lifespan. You can see Network TV still provides the highest audience at one time however the cost is by far the highest and the target control to qualified prospects is the lowest. Direct mail marketing provides the highest target control but is limited to a relatively low number of viewers and the conversion rate is extremely low. These are a few types of scenarios that present themselves when deciding where to advertise. Using a conversion metric to help evaluate the performance of any campaign will give clues and point you in the right direction for long term marketing success. Of course, many companies maintain a presence with more than one of advertising methods which has a powerful effect on the overall brand awareness. I hope this information has been helpful. If you have any questions, please email us or call our offices at 800.511.8707 Back to blog